Source code for sklearn_extra.cluster._k_medoids

"""K-medoids clustering"""

# Authors: Timo Erkkilä <>
#          Antti Lehmussola <>
#          Kornel Kiełczewski <>
#          Zane Dufour <>
# License: BSD 3 clause

import warnings

import numpy as np

from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, ClusterMixin, TransformerMixin
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import (
from sklearn.utils import check_array, check_random_state
from sklearn.utils.extmath import stable_cumsum
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted
from sklearn.exceptions import ConvergenceWarning

# cython implementation of steps in PAM algorithm.
from ._k_medoids_helper import _compute_optimal_swap, _build

def _compute_inertia(distances):
    """Compute inertia of new samples. Inertia is defined as the sum of the
    sample distances to closest cluster centers.

    distances : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape=(n_samples, n_clusters)
        Distances to cluster centers.

    Sum of sample distances to closest cluster centers.

    # Define inertia as the sum of the sample-distances
    # to closest cluster centers
    inertia = np.sum(np.min(distances, axis=1))

    return inertia

[docs]class KMedoids(BaseEstimator, ClusterMixin, TransformerMixin): """k-medoids clustering. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <k_medoids>`. Parameters ---------- n_clusters : int, optional, default: 8 The number of clusters to form as well as the number of medoids to generate. metric : string, or callable, optional, default: 'euclidean' What distance metric to use. See :func:metrics.pairwise_distances metric can be 'precomputed', the user must then feed the fit method with a precomputed kernel matrix and not the design matrix X. method : {'alternate', 'pam'}, default: 'alternate' Which algorithm to use. 'alternate' is faster while 'pam' is more accurate. init : {'random', 'heuristic', 'k-medoids++', 'build'}, or array-like of shape (n_clusters, n_features), optional, default: 'heuristic' Specify medoid initialization method. 'random' selects n_clusters elements from the dataset. 'heuristic' picks the n_clusters points with the smallest sum distance to every other point. 'k-medoids++' follows an approach based on k-means++_, and in general, gives initial medoids which are more separated than those generated by the other methods. 'build' is a greedy initialization of the medoids used in the original PAM algorithm. Often 'build' is more efficient but slower than other initializations on big datasets and it is also very non-robust, if there are outliers in the dataset, use another initialization. If an array is passed, it should be of shape (n_clusters, n_features) and gives the initial centers. .. _k-means++: max_iter : int, optional, default : 300 Specify the maximum number of iterations when fitting. It can be zero in which case only the initialization is computed which may be suitable for large datasets when the initialization is sufficiently efficient (i.e. for 'build' init). random_state : int, RandomState instance or None, optional Specify random state for the random number generator. Used to initialise medoids when init='random'. Attributes ---------- cluster_centers_ : array, shape = (n_clusters, n_features) or None if metric == 'precomputed' Cluster centers, i.e. medoids (elements from the original dataset) medoid_indices_ : array, shape = (n_clusters,) The indices of the medoid rows in X labels_ : array, shape = (n_samples,) Labels of each point inertia_ : float Sum of distances of samples to their closest cluster center. Examples -------- >>> from sklearn_extra.cluster import KMedoids >>> import numpy as np >>> X = np.asarray([[1, 2], [1, 4], [1, 0], ... [4, 2], [4, 4], [4, 0]]) >>> kmedoids = KMedoids(n_clusters=2, random_state=0).fit(X) >>> kmedoids.labels_ array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]) >>> kmedoids.predict([[0,0], [4,4]]) array([0, 1]) >>> kmedoids.cluster_centers_ array([[1., 2.], [4., 2.]]) >>> kmedoids.inertia_ 8.0 See scikit-learn-extra/examples/ for examples of KMedoids with various distance metrics. References ---------- Maranzana, F.E., 1963. On the location of supply points to minimize transportation costs. IBM Systems Journal, 2(2), pp.129-135. Park, H.S.and Jun, C.H., 2009. A simple and fast algorithm for K-medoids clustering. Expert systems with applications, 36(2), pp.3336-3341. See also -------- KMeans The KMeans algorithm minimizes the within-cluster sum-of-squares criterion. It scales well to large number of samples. Notes ----- Since all pairwise distances are calculated and stored in memory for the duration of fit, the space complexity is O(n_samples ** 2). """
[docs] def __init__( self, n_clusters=8, metric="euclidean", method="alternate", init="heuristic", max_iter=300, random_state=None, ): self.n_clusters = n_clusters self.metric = metric self.method = method self.init = init self.max_iter = max_iter self.random_state = random_state
def _check_nonnegative_int(self, value, desc, strict=True): """Validates if value is a valid integer > 0""" if strict: negative = (value is None) or (value <= 0) else: negative = (value is None) or (value < 0) if negative or not isinstance(value, (int, np.integer)): raise ValueError( "%s should be a nonnegative integer. " "%s was given" % (desc, value) ) def _check_init_args(self): """Validates the input arguments.""" # Check n_clusters and max_iter self._check_nonnegative_int(self.n_clusters, "n_clusters") self._check_nonnegative_int(self.max_iter, "max_iter", False) # Check init init_methods = ["random", "heuristic", "k-medoids++", "build"] if not ( hasattr(self.init, "__array__") or (isinstance(self.init, str) and self.init in init_methods) ): raise ValueError( "init needs to be one of " + "the following: " + "%s" % (init_methods + ["array-like"]) ) # Check n_clusters if ( hasattr(self.init, "__array__") and self.n_clusters != self.init.shape[0] ): warnings.warn( "n_clusters should be equal to size of array-like if init " "is array-like setting n_clusters to {}.".format( self.init.shape[0] ) ) self.n_clusters = self.init.shape[0] def fit(self, X, y=None): """Fit K-Medoids to the provided data. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape = (n_samples, n_features), \ or (n_samples, n_samples) if metric == 'precomputed' Dataset to cluster. y : Ignored Returns ------- self """ random_state_ = check_random_state(self.random_state) self._check_init_args() X = check_array( X, accept_sparse=["csr", "csc"], dtype=[np.float64, np.float32] ) self.n_features_in_ = X.shape[1] if self.n_clusters > X.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "The number of medoids (%d) must be less " "than the number of samples %d." % (self.n_clusters, X.shape[0]) ) D = pairwise_distances(X, metric=self.metric) medoid_idxs = self._initialize_medoids( D, self.n_clusters, random_state_, X ) labels = None if self.method == "pam": # Compute the distance to the first and second closest points # among medoids. if self.n_clusters == 1 and self.max_iter > 0: # PAM SWAP step can only be used for n_clusters > 1 warnings.warn( "n_clusters should be larger than 2 if max_iter != 0 " "setting max_iter to 0." ) self.max_iter = 0 elif self.max_iter > 0: Djs, Ejs = np.sort(D[medoid_idxs], axis=0)[[0, 1]] # Continue the algorithm as long as # the medoids keep changing and the maximum number # of iterations is not exceeded for self.n_iter_ in range(0, self.max_iter): old_medoid_idxs = np.copy(medoid_idxs) labels = np.argmin(D[medoid_idxs, :], axis=0) if self.method == "alternate": # Update medoids with the new cluster indices self._update_medoid_idxs_in_place(D, labels, medoid_idxs) elif self.method == "pam": not_medoid_idxs = np.delete(np.arange(len(D)), medoid_idxs) optimal_swap = _compute_optimal_swap( D, medoid_idxs.astype(np.intc), not_medoid_idxs.astype(np.intc), Djs, Ejs, self.n_clusters, ) if optimal_swap is not None: i, j, _ = optimal_swap medoid_idxs[medoid_idxs == i] = j # update Djs and Ejs with new medoids Djs, Ejs = np.sort(D[medoid_idxs], axis=0)[[0, 1]] else: raise ValueError( f"method={self.method} is not supported. Supported methods " f"are 'pam' and 'alternate'." ) if np.all(old_medoid_idxs == medoid_idxs): break elif self.n_iter_ == self.max_iter - 1: warnings.warn( "Maximum number of iteration reached before " "convergence. Consider increasing max_iter to " "improve the fit.", ConvergenceWarning, ) # Set the resulting instance variables. if self.metric == "precomputed": self.cluster_centers_ = None else: self.cluster_centers_ = X[medoid_idxs] # Expose labels_ which are the assignments of # the training data to clusters self.labels_ = np.argmin(D[medoid_idxs, :], axis=0) self.medoid_indices_ = medoid_idxs self.inertia_ = _compute_inertia(self.transform(X)) # Return self to enable method chaining return self def _update_medoid_idxs_in_place(self, D, labels, medoid_idxs): """In-place update of the medoid indices""" # Update the medoids for each cluster for k in range(self.n_clusters): # Extract the distance matrix between the data points # inside the cluster k cluster_k_idxs = np.where(labels == k)[0] if len(cluster_k_idxs) == 0: warnings.warn( "Cluster {k} is empty! " "self.labels_[self.medoid_indices_[{k}]] " "may not be labeled with " "its corresponding cluster ({k}).".format(k=k) ) continue in_cluster_distances = D[ cluster_k_idxs, cluster_k_idxs[:, np.newaxis] ] # Calculate all costs from each point to all others in the cluster in_cluster_all_costs = np.sum(in_cluster_distances, axis=1) min_cost_idx = np.argmin(in_cluster_all_costs) min_cost = in_cluster_all_costs[min_cost_idx] curr_cost = in_cluster_all_costs[ np.argmax(cluster_k_idxs == medoid_idxs[k]) ] # Adopt a new medoid if its distance is smaller then the current if min_cost < curr_cost: medoid_idxs[k] = cluster_k_idxs[min_cost_idx] def _compute_cost(self, D, medoid_idxs): """Compute the cose for a given configuration of the medoids""" return _compute_inertia(D[:, medoid_idxs]) def transform(self, X): """Transforms X to cluster-distance space. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_query, n_features), \ or (n_query, n_indexed) if metric == 'precomputed' Data to transform. Returns ------- X_new : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape=(n_query, n_clusters) X transformed in the new space of distances to cluster centers. """ X = check_array( X, accept_sparse=["csr", "csc"], dtype=[np.float64, np.float32] ) if self.metric == "precomputed": check_is_fitted(self, "medoid_indices_") return X[:, self.medoid_indices_] else: check_is_fitted(self, "cluster_centers_") Y = self.cluster_centers_ kwargs = {} if self.metric == "seuclidean": kwargs["V"] = np.var(np.vstack([X, Y]), axis=0, ddof=1) DXY = pairwise_distances(X, Y=Y, metric=self.metric, **kwargs) return DXY def predict(self, X): """Predict the closest cluster for each sample in X. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_query, n_features), \ or (n_query, n_indexed) if metric == 'precomputed' New data to predict. Returns ------- labels : array, shape = (n_query,) Index of the cluster each sample belongs to. """ X = check_array( X, accept_sparse=["csr", "csc"], dtype=[np.float64, np.float32] ) if self.metric == "precomputed": check_is_fitted(self, "medoid_indices_") return np.argmin(X[:, self.medoid_indices_], axis=1) else: check_is_fitted(self, "cluster_centers_") # Return data points to clusters based on which cluster assignment # yields the smallest distance kwargs = {} if self.metric == "seuclidean": kwargs["V"] = np.var( np.vstack([X, self.cluster_centers_]), axis=0, ddof=1 ) pd_argmin = pairwise_distances_argmin( X, Y=self.cluster_centers_, metric=self.metric, metric_kwargs=kwargs, ) return pd_argmin def _initialize_medoids(self, D, n_clusters, random_state_, X=None): """Select initial mediods when beginning clustering.""" if hasattr(self.init, "__array__"): # Pre assign cluster medoids = np.hstack( [np.where((X == c).all(axis=1)) for c in self.init] ).ravel() elif self.init == "random": # Random initialization # Pick random k medoids as the initial ones. medoids = random_state_.choice(len(D), n_clusters, replace=False) elif self.init == "k-medoids++": medoids = self._kpp_init(D, n_clusters, random_state_) elif self.init == "heuristic": # Initialization by heuristic # Pick K first data points that have the smallest sum distance # to every other point. These are the initial medoids. medoids = np.argpartition(np.sum(D, axis=1), n_clusters - 1)[ :n_clusters ] elif self.init == "build": # Build initialization medoids = _build(D, n_clusters).astype(np.int64) else: raise ValueError(f"init value '{self.init}' not recognized") return medoids # Copied from sklearn.cluster.k_means_._k_init def _kpp_init(self, D, n_clusters, random_state_, n_local_trials=None): """Init n_clusters seeds with a method similar to k-means++ Parameters ----------- D : array, shape (n_samples, n_samples) The distance matrix we will use to select medoid indices. n_clusters : integer The number of seeds to choose random_state : RandomState The generator used to initialize the centers. n_local_trials : integer, optional The number of seeding trials for each center (except the first), of which the one reducing inertia the most is greedily chosen. Set to None to make the number of trials depend logarithmically on the number of seeds (2+log(k)); this is the default. Notes ----- Selects initial cluster centers for k-medoid clustering in a smart way to speed up convergence. see: Arthur, D. and Vassilvitskii, S. "k-means++: the advantages of careful seeding". ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms. 2007 Version ported from, which is the implementation used in the aforementioned paper. """ n_samples, _ = D.shape centers = np.empty(n_clusters, dtype=int) # Set the number of local seeding trials if none is given if n_local_trials is None: # This is what Arthur/Vassilvitskii tried, but did not report # specific results for other than mentioning in the conclusion # that it helped. n_local_trials = 2 + int(np.log(n_clusters)) center_id = random_state_.randint(n_samples) centers[0] = center_id # Initialize list of closest distances and calculate current potential closest_dist_sq = D[centers[0], :] ** 2 current_pot = closest_dist_sq.sum() # pick the remaining n_clusters-1 points for cluster_index in range(1, n_clusters): rand_vals = ( random_state_.random_sample(n_local_trials) * current_pot ) candidate_ids = np.searchsorted( stable_cumsum(closest_dist_sq), rand_vals ) # Compute distances to center candidates distance_to_candidates = D[candidate_ids, :] ** 2 # Decide which candidate is the best best_candidate = None best_pot = None best_dist_sq = None for trial in range(n_local_trials): # Compute potential when including center candidate new_dist_sq = np.minimum( closest_dist_sq, distance_to_candidates[trial] ) new_pot = new_dist_sq.sum() # Store result if it is the best local trial so far if (best_candidate is None) or (new_pot < best_pot): best_candidate = candidate_ids[trial] best_pot = new_pot best_dist_sq = new_dist_sq centers[cluster_index] = best_candidate current_pot = best_pot closest_dist_sq = best_dist_sq return centers
[docs]class CLARA(BaseEstimator, ClusterMixin, TransformerMixin): """CLARA clustering. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <CLARA>`. CLARA (Clustering for Large Applications) extends k-medoids approach for a large number of objects. This algorithm use a sampling approach. Parameters ---------- n_clusters : int, optional, default: 8 The number of clusters to form as well as the number of medoids to generate. metric : string, or callable, optional, default: 'euclidean' What distance metric to use. See :func:metrics.pairwise_distances max_iter : int, optional, default : 300 Specify the maximum number of iterations when fitting PAM. It can be zero in which case only the initialization is computed. n_sampling : int or None, optional, default : None Size of the sampled dataset at each iteration. sampling-size a trade-off between complexity and efficiency. If None, then sampling-size is set to min(sample_size, 40 + 2 * self.n_clusters) as suggested by the authors of the algorithm. must be smaller than sample_size. n_sampling_iter : int, optional, default : 5 Number of different samples that have to be done, or number of iterations. random_state : int, RandomState instance or None, optional Specify random state for the random number generator. Used to initialise medoids when init='random'. Attributes ---------- cluster_centers_ : array, shape = (n_clusters, n_features) or None if metric == 'precomputed' Cluster centers, i.e. medoids (elements from the original dataset) medoid_indices_ : array, shape = (n_clusters,) The indices of the medoid rows in X labels_ : array, shape = (n_samples,) Labels of each point inertia_ : float Sum of distances of samples to their closest cluster center. Examples -------- >>> from sklearn_extra.cluster import CLARA >>> import numpy as np >>> from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs >>> X, _ = make_blobs(centers=[[0,0],[1,1]], n_features=2,random_state=0) >>> clara = CLARA(n_clusters=2, random_state=0).fit(X) >>> clara.predict([[0,0], [4,4]]) array([0, 1]) >>> clara.inertia_ 122.44919397611667 References ---------- Kaufman, L. and Rousseeuw, P.J. (2008). Partitioning Around Medoids (Program PAM). In Finding Groups in Data (eds L. Kaufman and P.J. Rousseeuw). doi:10.1002/9780470316801.ch2 See also -------- KMedoids CLARA is a variant of KMedoids that use sub-sampling scheme as such if the dataset is sufficiently small, KMedoids is preferable. Notes ----- Contrary to KMedoids, CLARA is linear in N the sample size for both the spacial and time complexity. On the other hand, it scales quadratically with n_sampling. """
[docs] def __init__( self, n_clusters=8, metric="euclidean", init="build", max_iter=300, n_sampling=None, n_sampling_iter=5, random_state=None, ): self.n_clusters = n_clusters self.metric = metric self.init = init self.max_iter = max_iter self.n_sampling = n_sampling self.n_sampling_iter = n_sampling_iter self.random_state = random_state
def fit(self, X, y=None): """Fit CLARA to the provided data. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape = (n_samples, n_features), \ or (n_n_sampling_iter, n_n_sampling_iter) if metric == 'precomputed' Dataset to cluster. y : Ignored Returns ------- self """ X = check_array(X, dtype=[np.float64, np.float32]) self.n_features_in_ = X.shape[1] n = len(X) random_state_ = check_random_state(self.random_state) if self.n_sampling is None: n_sampling = max( min(n, 40 + 2 * self.n_clusters), self.n_clusters + 1 ) else: n_sampling = self.n_sampling # Check n_sampling. if n < self.n_clusters: raise ValueError( "sample_size should be greater than self.n_clusters" ) if self.n_clusters >= n_sampling: raise ValueError( "sampling size must be strictly greater than self.n_clusters" ) medoids_idxs = random_state_.choice( np.arange(n), size=self.n_clusters, replace=False ) best_score = np.inf for _ in range(self.n_sampling_iter): if n_sampling >= n: sample_idxs = np.arange(n) else: sample_idxs = np.hstack( [ medoids_idxs, random_state_.choice( np.delete(np.arange(n), medoids_idxs), size=n_sampling - self.n_clusters, replace=False, ), ] ) pam = KMedoids( n_clusters=self.n_clusters, metric=self.metric, method="pam", init=self.init, max_iter=self.max_iter, random_state=random_state_, )[sample_idxs]) self.cluster_centers_ = pam.cluster_centers_ self.inertia_ = _compute_inertia(self.transform(X)) if pam.inertia_ < best_score: best_score = self.inertia_ medoids_idxs = pam.medoid_indices_ best_sample_idxs = sample_idxs self.medoid_indices_ = sample_idxs[medoids_idxs] self.labels_ = np.argmin(self.transform(X), axis=1) self.n_iter_ = self.n_sampling_iter return self def transform(self, X): """Transforms X to cluster-distance space. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_query, n_features), \ or (n_query, n_indexed) if metric == 'precomputed' Data to transform. Returns ------- X_new : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape=(n_query, n_clusters) X transformed in the new space of distances to cluster centers. """ X = check_array( X, accept_sparse=["csr", "csc"], dtype=[np.float64, np.float32] ) if self.metric == "precomputed": check_is_fitted(self, "medoid_indices_") return X[:, self.medoid_indices_] else: check_is_fitted(self, "cluster_centers_") Y = self.cluster_centers_ return pairwise_distances(X, Y=Y, metric=self.metric) def predict(self, X): """Predict the closest cluster for each sample in X. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_query, n_features), \ or (n_query, n_indexed) if metric == 'precomputed' New data to predict. Returns ------- labels : array, shape = (n_query,) Index of the cluster each sample belongs to. """ X = check_array( X, accept_sparse=["csr", "csc"], dtype=[np.float64, np.float32] ) if self.metric == "precomputed": check_is_fitted(self, "medoid_indices_") return np.argmin(X[:, self.medoid_indices_], axis=1) else: check_is_fitted(self, "cluster_centers_") # Return data points to clusters based on which cluster assignment # yields the smallest distance return pairwise_distances_argmin( X, Y=self.cluster_centers_, metric=self.metric )