Source code for sklearn_extra.kernel_methods._eigenpro

# Authors: Alex Li <>
#          Siyuan Ma <>

import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import eigh, LinAlgError
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin, RegressorMixin
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import pairwise_kernels, euclidean_distances
from sklearn.utils import check_random_state
from sklearn.utils.multiclass import check_classification_targets
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted, check_X_y

class BaseEigenPro(BaseEstimator):
    Base class for EigenPro iteration.

    def __init__(
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.n_epoch = n_epoch
        self.n_components = n_components
        self.subsample_size = subsample_size
        self.kernel = kernel
        self.gamma = gamma = degree
        self.coef0 = coef0
        self.kernel_params = kernel_params
        self.random_state = random_state

    def _kernel(self, X, Y):
        """Calculate the kernel matrix

        X : {float, array}, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
            Input data.

        Y : {float, array}, shape = [n_centers, n_targets]
            Kernel centers.

        K : {float, array}, shape = [n_samples, n_centers]
            Kernel matrix.
        if (
            self.kernel != "rbf"
            and self.kernel != "laplace"
            and self.kernel != "cauchy"
            if callable(self.kernel):
                params = self.kernel_params or {}
                params = {
                    "gamma": self.gamma_,
                    "coef0": self.coef0,
            return pairwise_kernels(
                X, Y, metric=self.kernel, filter_params=True, **params
        distance = euclidean_distances(X, Y, squared=True)
        bandwidth = np.float32(1.0 / np.sqrt(2.0 * self.gamma_))
        if self.kernel == "rbf":
            distance = -self.gamma_ * distance
            K = np.exp(distance)
        elif self.kernel == "laplace":
            d = np.maximum(distance, 0)
            K = np.exp(-np.sqrt(d) / bandwidth)
        else:  # self.kernel == "cauchy":
            K = 1 / (1 + 2.0 * self.gamma_ * distance)
        return K

    def _nystrom_svd(self, X, n_components):
        """Compute the top eigensystem of a kernel
        operator using Nystrom method

        X : {float, array}, shape = [n_subsamples, n_features]
            Subsample feature matrix.

        n_components : int
            Number of top eigencomponents to be restored.

        E : {float, array}, shape = [k]
            Top eigenvalues.

        Lambda : {float, array}, shape = [n_subsamples, k]
            Top eigenvectors of a subsample kernel matrix (which can be
            directly used to approximate the eigenfunctions of the kernel
        m, _ = X.shape
        K = self._kernel(X, X)

        W = K / m
            E, Lambda = eigh(W, eigvals=(m - n_components, m - 1))
        except LinAlgError:
            # Use float64 when eigh fails due to precision
            W = np.float64(W)
            E, Lambda = eigh(W, eigvals=(m - n_components, m - 1))
            E, Lambda = np.float32(E), np.float32(Lambda)
        # Flip so eigenvalues are in descending order.
        E = np.maximum(np.float32(1e-7), np.flipud(E))
        Lambda = np.fliplr(Lambda)[:, :n_components] / np.sqrt(
            m, dtype="float32"

        return E, Lambda

    def _setup(self, feat, max_components, mG, alpha):
        """Compute preconditioner and scale factors for EigenPro iteration

        feat : {float, array}, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
            Feature matrix (normally from training data).

        max_components : int
            Maximum number of components to be used in EigenPro iteration.

        mG : int
            Maximum batch size to fit in memory.

        alpha : float
            Exponential factor (< 1) for eigenvalue ratio.

        max_S : float
            Normalized largest eigenvalue.

        max_kxx : float
            Maximum of k(x,x) where k is the EigenPro kernel.

        E : {float, array}, shape = [k]
            Preconditioner for EigenPro

        Lambda : {float, array}, shape = [n_subsamples, k]
            Top eigenvectors of a subsample kernel matrix
        alpha = np.float32(alpha)

        # Estimate eigenvalues (S) and eigenvectors (V) of the kernel matrix
        # corresponding to the feature matrix.
        E, Lambda = self._nystrom_svd(feat, max_components)
        n_subsamples = feat.shape[0]

        # Calculate the number of components to be used such that the
        # corresponding batch size is bounded by the subsample size and the
        # memory size.
        max_bs = min(max(n_subsamples / 5, mG), n_subsamples)
        n_components = np.sum(np.power(1 / E, alpha) < max_bs) - 1
        if n_components < 2:
            n_components = min(E.shape[0] - 1, 2)

        Lambda = Lambda[:, :n_components]
        scale = np.power(E[0] / E[n_components], alpha)

        # Compute part of the preconditioner for step 2 of gradient descent in
        # the eigenpro model
        D = (1 - np.power(E[n_components] / E[:n_components], alpha)) / E[

        max_S = E[0].astype(np.float32)
        kxx = 1 - np.sum(Lambda**2, axis=1) * n_subsamples
        return max_S / scale, np.max(kxx), D, Lambda

    def _initialize_params(self, X, Y, random_state):
        Validate parameters passed to the model, choose parameters
        that have not been passed in, and run setup for EigenPro iteration.
        X : {float, array}, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
            Training data.

        Y : {float, array}, shape = [n_samples, n_targets]
            Training targets.

        random_state : RandomState instance
            The random state to use for random number generation

        Y : {float, array}, shape = [n_samples, n_targets]
            Training targets. If Y was originally of shape
            [n_samples], it is now [n_samples, 1].

        E : {float, array}, shape = [k]
            Preconditioner for EigenPro

        Lambda : {float, array}, shape = [n_subsamples, k]
            Top eigenvectors of a subsample kernel matrix

        eta : float
            The learning rate

        pinx : {int, array}, shape = [sample_size]
            The rows of X used to calculate E and Lambda
        n, d = X.shape
        n_label = 1 if len(Y.shape) == 1 else Y.shape[1]
        self.centers_ = X

        # Calculate the subsample size to be used.
        if self.subsample_size == "auto":
            if n < 100000:
                sample_size = 4000
                sample_size = 12000
            sample_size = self.subsample_size
        sample_size = min(n, sample_size)

        n_components = min(sample_size - 1, self.n_components)
        n_components = max(1, n_components)

        # Approximate amount of memory that we want to use
        mem_bytes = 0.1 * 1024**3
        # Memory used with a certain sample size
        mem_usages = (d + n_label + 2 * np.arange(sample_size)) * n * 4
        mG = np.int32(np.sum(mem_usages < mem_bytes))

        # Calculate largest eigenvalue and max{k(x,x)} using subsamples.
        pinx = random_state.choice(n, sample_size, replace=False).astype(
        if self.gamma == "scale":
            self.gamma_ = np.float32(1.0 / (X.var() * d))
            self.gamma_ = self.gamma
        max_S, beta, E, Lambda = self._setup(
            X[pinx], n_components, mG, alpha=0.95
        # Calculate best batch size.
        if self.batch_size == "auto":
            bs = min(np.int32(beta / max_S), mG) + 1
            bs = self.batch_size
        self.bs_ = min(bs, n)

        # Calculate best step size.
        if self.bs_ < beta / max_S + 1:
            eta = self.bs_ / beta
        elif self.bs_ < n:
            eta = 2.0 * self.bs_ / (beta + (self.bs_ - 1) * max_S)
            eta = 0.95 * 2 / max_S
        # Remember the shape of Y for predict() and ensure it's shape is 2-D.
        self.was_1D_ = False
        if len(Y.shape) == 1:
            Y = np.reshape(Y, (Y.shape[0], 1))
            self.was_1D_ = True
        return Y, E, Lambda, np.float32(eta), pinx

    def validate_parameters(self):
        Validate the parameters of the model to ensure that no unreasonable
        values were passed in.
        if self.n_epoch <= 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "n_epoch should be positive, was " + str(self.n_epoch)
        if self.n_components < 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "n_components should be non-negative, was "
                + str(self.n_components)
        if self.subsample_size != "auto" and self.subsample_size < 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "subsample_size should be non-negative, was "
                + str(self.subsample_size)
        if self.batch_size != "auto" and self.batch_size <= 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "batch_size should be positive, was " + str(self.batch_size)
        if self.gamma != "scale" and self.gamma <= 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "gamma should be positive, was " + str(self.gamma)

    def _raw_fit(self, X, Y):
        """Train eigenpro regression model

        X : {float, array}, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
            Training data.

        Y : {float, array}, shape = [n_samples, n_targets]
            Training targets.

        self : returns an instance of self.
        X, Y = check_X_y(
        self.n_features_in_ = X.shape[1]
        Y = Y.astype(np.float32)
        random_state = check_random_state(self.random_state)

        """Parameter Initialization"""
        Y, D, V, eta, pinx = self._initialize_params(X, Y, random_state)

        """Training loop"""
        n = self.centers_.shape[0]

        self.coef_ = np.zeros((n, Y.shape[1]), dtype=np.float32)
        step = np.float32(eta / self.bs_)
        for _ in range(0, self.n_epoch):
            epoch_inds = random_state.choice(
                n, n // self.bs_ * self.bs_, replace=False

            for batch_inds in np.array_split(epoch_inds, n // self.bs_):
                batch_x = self.centers_[batch_inds]
                kfeat = self._kernel(batch_x, self.centers_)
                batch_y = Y[batch_inds]

                # Update 1: Sampled Coordinate Block.
                gradient =, self.coef_) - batch_y

                self.coef_[batch_inds] -= step * gradient

                # Update 2: Fixed Coordinate Block
                delta =
                    V * D,,[:, pinx].T, gradient))
                self.coef_[pinx] += step * delta
        return self

    def _raw_predict(self, X):
        """Predict using the kernel regression model

        X : {float, array}, shape = [n_samples, n_features]

        Y : {float, array}, shape = [n_samples, n_targets]
            Predicted targets.
            self, ["bs_", "centers_", "coef_", "was_1D_", "gamma_"]
        X = np.asarray(X, dtype=np.float64)

        if len(X.shape) == 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "Reshape your data. X should be a matrix of shape"
                " (n_samples, n_features)."
        n = X.shape[0]

        Ys = []
        for batch_inds in np.array_split(range(n), max(1, n // self.bs_)):
            batch_x = X[batch_inds]
            kfeat = self._kernel(batch_x, self.centers_)

            pred =, self.coef_)
        Y = np.vstack(Ys)
        if self.was_1D_:
            Y = np.reshape(Y, Y.shape[0])
        return Y

    def _get_tags(self):
        tags = super()._get_tags()
        tags["multioutput"] = True
        return tags

[docs] class EigenProRegressor(RegressorMixin, BaseEigenPro): """Regression using EigenPro iteration. Train least squared kernel regression model with mini-batch EigenPro iteration. Parameters ---------- batch_size : int, default = 'auto' Mini-batch size for gradient descent. n_epoch : int, default = 2 The number of passes over the training data. n_components : int, default = 1000 the maximum number of eigendirections used in modifying the kernel operator. Convergence rate speedup over normal gradient descent is approximately the largest eigenvalue over the n_componentth eigenvalue, however, it may take time to compute eigenvalues for large n_components subsample_size : int, default = 'auto' The number of subsamples used for estimating the largest n_component eigenvalues and eigenvectors. When it is set to 'auto', it will be 4000 if there are less than 100,000 samples (for training), and otherwise 12000. kernel : string or callable, default = "rbf" Kernel mapping used internally. Strings can be anything supported by scikit-learn, however, there is special support for the rbf, laplace, and cauchy kernels. If a callable is given, it should accept two arguments and return a floating point number. gamma : float, default='scale' Kernel coefficient. If 'scale', gamma = 1/(n_features*X.var()). Interpretation of the default value is left to the kernel; see the documentation for sklearn.metrics.pairwise. For kernels that use bandwidth, bandwidth = 1/sqrt(2*gamma). degree : float, default=3 Degree of the polynomial kernel. Ignored by other kernels. coef0 : float, default=1 Zero coefficient for polynomial and sigmoid kernels. Ignored by other kernels. kernel_params : mapping of string to any Additional parameters (keyword arguments) for kernel function passed as callable object. random_state : int, RandomState instance or None, (default=None) The seed of the pseudo random number generator to use when shuffling the data. If int, random_state is the seed used by the random number generator; If RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generator; If None, the random number generator is the RandomState instance used by `np.random`. References ---------- * Siyuan Ma, Mikhail Belkin "Diving into the shallows: a computational perspective on large-scale machine learning", NIPS 2017. Examples -------- >>> from sklearn_extra.kernel_methods import EigenProRegressor >>> import numpy as np >>> n_samples, n_features, n_targets = 4000, 20, 3 >>> rng = np.random.RandomState(1) >>> x_train = rng.randn(n_samples, n_features) >>> y_train = rng.randn(n_samples, n_targets) >>> rgs = EigenProRegressor(n_epoch=3, gamma=.5, subsample_size=50) >>>, y_train) EigenProRegressor(gamma=0.5, n_epoch=3, subsample_size=50) >>> y_pred = rgs.predict(x_train) >>> loss = np.mean(np.square(y_train - y_pred)) """
[docs] def __init__( self, batch_size="auto", n_epoch=2, n_components=1000, subsample_size="auto", kernel="rbf", gamma="scale", degree=3, coef0=1, kernel_params=None, random_state=None, ): super().__init__( batch_size=batch_size, n_epoch=n_epoch, n_components=n_components, subsample_size=subsample_size, kernel=kernel, gamma=gamma, degree=degree, coef0=coef0, kernel_params=kernel_params, random_state=random_state, )
def fit(self, X, Y): return self._raw_fit(X, Y) def predict(self, X): return self._raw_predict(X)
[docs] class EigenProClassifier(ClassifierMixin, BaseEigenPro): """Classification using EigenPro iteration. Train least squared kernel classification model with mini-batch EigenPro iteration. Parameters ---------- batch_size : int, default = 'auto' Mini-batch size for gradient descent. n_epoch : int, default = 2 The number of passes over the training data. n_components : int, default = 1000 the maximum number of eigendirections used in modifying the kernel operator. Convergence rate speedup over normal gradient descent is approximately the largest eigenvalue over the n_componenth eigenvalue, however, it may take time to compute eigenvalues for large n_components subsample_size : int, default = 'auto' The size of subsamples used for estimating the largest n_component eigenvalues and eigenvectors. When it is set to 'auto', it will be 4000 if there are less than 100,000 samples (for training), and otherwise 12000. kernel : string or callable, default = "rbf" Kernel mapping used internally. Strings can be anything supported by scikit-learn, however, there is special support for the rbf, laplace, and cauchy kernels. If a callable is given, it should accept two arguments and return a floating point number. gamma : float, default='scale' Kernel coefficient. If 'scale', gamma = 1/(n_features*X.var()). Interpretation of the default value is left to the kernel; see the documentation for sklearn.metrics.pairwise. For kernels that use bandwidth, bandwidth = 1/sqrt(2*gamma). degree : float, default=3 Degree of the polynomial kernel. Ignored by other kernels. coef0 : float, default=1 Zero coefficient for polynomial and sigmoid kernels. Ignored by other kernels. kernel_params : mapping of string to any Additional parameters (keyword arguments) for kernel function passed as callable object. random_state : int, RandomState instance or None (default=None) The seed of the pseudo random number generator to use when shuffling the data. If int, random_state is the seed used by the random number generator; If RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generator; If None, the random number generator is the RandomState instance used by `np.random`. References ---------- * Siyuan Ma, Mikhail Belkin "Diving into the shallows: a computational perspective on large-scale machine learning", NIPS 2017. Examples -------- >>> from sklearn_extra.kernel_methods import EigenProClassifier >>> import numpy as np >>> n_samples, n_features, n_targets = 4000, 20, 3 >>> rng = np.random.RandomState(1) >>> x_train = rng.randn(n_samples, n_features) >>> y_train = rng.randint(n_targets, size=n_samples) >>> rgs = EigenProClassifier(n_epoch=3, gamma=.01, subsample_size=50) >>>, y_train) EigenProClassifier(gamma=0.01, n_epoch=3, subsample_size=50) >>> y_pred = rgs.predict(x_train) >>> loss = np.mean(y_train != y_pred) """
[docs] def __init__( self, batch_size="auto", n_epoch=2, n_components=1000, subsample_size="auto", kernel="rbf", gamma=0.02, degree=3, coef0=1, kernel_params=None, random_state=None, ): super().__init__( batch_size=batch_size, n_epoch=n_epoch, n_components=n_components, subsample_size=subsample_size, kernel=kernel, gamma=gamma, degree=degree, coef0=coef0, kernel_params=kernel_params, random_state=random_state, )
def fit(self, X, Y): """Train eigenpro classification model Parameters ---------- X : {float, array}, shape = [n_samples, n_raw_feature] The raw input feature matrix. Y : {float, array}, shape =[n_samples] The labels corresponding to the features of X. Returns ------- self : returns an instance of self. """ X, Y = check_X_y( X, Y, dtype=np.float32, force_all_finite=True, multi_output=False, ensure_min_samples=3, ) check_classification_targets(Y) self.classes_ = np.unique(Y) loc = {} for ind, label in enumerate(self.classes_): loc[label] = ind class_matrix = np.zeros((Y.shape[0], self.classes_.shape[0])) for ind, label in enumerate(Y): class_matrix[ind, loc[label]] = 1 self._raw_fit(X, class_matrix) return self def predict(self, X): """Predict using the kernel classification model Parameters ---------- X : {float, array}, shape = [n_samples, n_features] Samples. Returns ------- y : {float, array}, shape = [n_samples] Predicted labels. """ Y = self._raw_predict(X) return self.classes_[np.argmax(Y, axis=1)]